24 hour solar power

How to Get 24 Hour Solar Power For A Home

Is 24 hour solar power achievable? Solar energy is essentially an unlimited power source, for homes, businesses, and even vehicles. With solar being one of the best renewable energy systems used to lower energy costs and reduce their home’s carbon footprint, can it provide power non-stop 24/7? 

Suppose you’re interested in looking into this green technology, you may have some questions about switching to solar. In this article, let’s talk about the whats, the hows, and the whys of our blog post’s namesake. Read on.

Can You Have 24 Hour Solar Power Systems?

Simple answer, yes. Solar panels alone cannot provide 24/7 power because they only generate electricity during daylight hours. However, you can achieve close to 24/7 solar power with a properly designed system that includes a:

  • Monocrystalline panel — monocrystalline panels can draw out the maximum amounts of solar energy even on days with less ideal sunlight reception, or during winter and cloudy days. [Source]
  • Big-capacity storage battery — serves as general storage for excess solar energy collected during the day to use at night or on days with poor sunlight reception; and an
  • Inverter — converts stored DC (direct current) electricity from the batteries to usable AC (alternating current) electricity for your home.

Innovations in solar energy storage like molten salt energy storage and artificial photosynthesis are on the way in the quest for 24/7 solar power.

How to Get 24/7 Solar Power for Your Home

As you know, leveraging solar power is free (post initial investment of setting up the system and the maintenance costs), plus it’s renewable and a zero carbon footprint source of electricity.

Achieving a 24/7 solar power setup for your home is simple. To start, evaluate your home’s energy consumption patterns. Estimate the total amount of electricity you use daily, weekly, and monthly (including peak and off-peak hours), then:

  • Size your solar panel system based on your energy needs and available roof space (if your solar PV setup will be on your roof, if not, proceed to the next one). *Consider other factors like the angle, orientation, and material of your roof to maximize sunlight exposure and mounting.
  • Invest in high-capacity solar batteries to store excess energy generated during the day
  • Install an inverter system that converts DC (direct current) electricity from solar panels and batteries into AC (alternating current) electricity
  • Use smart energy management systems to optimize your solar power usage. *This can include programmable thermostats and smart home automation to minimize energy waste.

Note: Although optional, we highly suggest you stay connected to the grid or an EB for backup power and maintain access to electricity during periods of high demand or system maintenance. 

Where to buy solar panel systems

Many renewable energy system retailers sell and install PV systems for your home or business tied to the grid. You can also buy panels from a local off-grid shop (if any) or buy them second-hand off online auctions, like Facebook Marketplace, etc.

*While possible to purchase and DIY the installation of your solar, it’s best to get them professionally done as it requires expertise to guarantee a careful installation and optimal performance. Additionally, retailers can also help you avail and process government rebates and incentives. 

How Much Energy Does a Solar Panel Produce in 24 Hours?

Solar panel output depends on several factors, including panel size, efficiency, and sunlight hours in your location. While panels don’t generate power for the entire 24 hours, a typical system can create enough energy, especially monocrystalline panels, during daylight hours to offset a significant portion of your home’s overall energy needs.

An average solar panel can generate about 2 kWh of energy on a good day, and anything below it on a bad day. A single panel can produce sufficient power to run small appliances like house lights, LCD TVs, computers, food processors, etc.

Can Solar Panels Work with Moonlight?

Technically yes. But it’s super low it’s almost impossible to capture and convert into usable energy to power your electronics.

As the name suggests, solar panels rely on sunlight to convert solar energy into usable electricity. Although possible, don’t expect the moonlight to completely power your solar PV unit as great as how the sun powers it. 

Unlike wind energy, solar requires battery storage for 24/7 power, but wind turbines can generate electricity at night as long as the wind speeds are sufficient. However, wind availability can be less predictable than sunlight.

Can the Whole House Be Powered with an Off-grid System?

Yes, most appliances like house lights, LCD TVs, laptops, washing machines, ACs, and EVs can be powered by solar systems. 

If you plan to power your home entirely with an off-grid solar system, consider which electronics you’re running on, short and long-term. Also consider your budget, especially if your house is on the bigger side as you’ll need more panels and a big storage battery to sustain your entire home and get the most out of your investment. 

This is also to guarantee that you won’t have any potential problems with your solar in the future.

We discourage connecting high-power heating appliances like electric kettles, microwave ovens, and induction stoves to an off-grid solar system to prolong your inverters and battery lifespan. We highly suggest keeping all heating appliances connected to an EB or the grid.

Final Thoughts

Pairing solar panels with big-capacity storage batteries makes 24 hours off-grid possible if you’re running a house on solar power alone. And in many areas, it’s cheaper than paying for electricity through a local utility. 

Utilizing solar energy and storage batteries can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and improve the environment. Going fully off-grid, more so, if you live in NSW and Southern parts of Australia is a great idea as you are in the ideal spot to harness solar energy and promote sustainable living. [Source]

Just consider your needs and look for the right system that meets your expectations and requirements. Detailed calculations considering specific variables are necessary and should be done for accurate education and estimations. 

If you discover that you need help running your system 24/7, we’ll be happy to help you. Book a 1:1 consultation with us, click here to book a call.


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